How to Build Immunity

Your child’s immunity is in a rapid development phase and is challenged by his environment and kindergarten or school, so it is important to ensure he gets the right start through the right nutritional support.

When functioning properly, the immune system is fit to fight disease, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Children are continuously exposed to germs and microbes, but exposure does not always mean a child will get sick. A healthy immune system supports a child’s natural defenses against disease. Conversely, a child with a weakened immune system is vulnerable or more susceptible to colds, flu and more serious infections.

What can you do to help your child build a strong, active immune system?

Young children get colds quite often because their immune system is still developing. However, there are steps you can take to help reduce their number of sick days. Environmental influencers of the immunity are:


Good nutrition is essential to develop and keep the immune system healthy and strong. Nutritional deficiencies may be responsible for chronic immune problems as it is easier for bacteria or viruses to take hold when important nutrients are missing. Critical nutrients that stimulate a strong immune system include vitamins A, C, E, iron and prebiotics.


Sleep deprivation can lower your child’s immune system; this will make him more susceptible to being affected by viruses and bacteria. Your child’s schedule can be busy; most kids juggle sports and after school activities on top of school work. It is important that kids enjoy and learn through these activities, however these need to be balanced with sufficient amounts of sleep, which is critical to staying strong and healthy.


Exercise can increase a child’s number of white blood cells and boost white blood cells’ ability to fight off illnesses.

Further Reading

Your toddler’s immune system is still developing and it will continue to develop during the first 3 years.

Malaria is a common mosquito-borne infectious disease. It is characterized by fever (high temperature), chills, sweating and flu-like symptoms in toddlers.

Important notice

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Breastmilk is the ideal food for infants: it is best adapted to their specific needs. A healthy and balanced diet of the mother is important for the preparation and continuation of breastfeeding. Mixed breastfeeding can interfere with breastfeeding and reduce milk production. It’s hard to reverse the choice of not breastfeeding. If an infant formula is used for a non-breastfed baby, it is important to carefully observe the instructions for preparation and use and to follow the advice of the medical profession. Incorrect use could pose a risk to the child’s health. Socio-economic implications must be considered in the use of infant formula. After 6 months, in addition to breastmilk, water is the only essential drink. Do not hesitate to consult your health care professional if you need advice on feeding your baby.